Oat of Finland

Out of Finland comes the Oat of Finland: the world’s top-grade oats. 

Inside the world of Finnish oats 

Out of Finland comes the Oat of Finland: the world’s top-grade oats from the north. Finland's distinct four seasons and extreme weather conditions offer a unique and ideal climate for cultivating our high-quality oats. Let's delve deeper into what sets Oat of Finland apart from the rest. 


Finnish oats meet the highest quality standards 

Finnish oats are celebrated worldwide for their exceptional quality. They’re prized for superior grain properties and excellent milling performance. With larger kernels and low husk content, Finnish oats are perfect for food production. A significant share of Finnish oats is exported as food-grade oats, which European producers rely on for making high-quality oat-based foods.

Artic light

Oats thrive under the midnight sun

No other country matches Finland's high-quality oat production. Finland is north of the 60th latitude, a latitude shared with Greenland and Alaska. Here, summers are short but intense, providing Finland with the longest days on Earth. Finnish oats benefit from the midnight sun, resulting in large oat grains with a flavour that’s second to none.


Oats love bitterly cold winters

Finland’s harsh winters lock the land in frost. This natural freeze purifies the Finnish soil, as the bitter cold eradicates plant diseases and pests. This means less reliance on pesticides. 

Pure water

Pristine water fuels premium oats

Famous for being the land of a thousand lakes, and celebrated for its impeccably clean water, Finland has over 188,000 lakes within its borders. Oats don’t need irrigation to grow, but the rainfall nourishing them descends through the pristine Finnish air, adding to the quality of our Finnish oats. 


Finest oats from Finnish farmers  

At the heart of our processes are locally grown oats. Finnish farming is known for its strict food safety standards. Our oats are sourced directly from trusted contract farmers within a 100-kilometer radius of our mill. We have a highly traceable supply chain and know exactly how our oats have been grown.  
Top quality mill

Oat purity is a promise

Through our rigorous quality control measures, including classification, separation, and purification, we ensure that only the finest Finnish oats are included in our products. The oats are turned into world-class ingredients in our highly automated, carbon neutral mill.


Partner with the Oat of Finland

Join us in leveraging the world's purest oats for your food products. Capitalize on the unmatched quality of Finnish oats to elevate your products to new heights of purity and healthfulness. 

Upgrade your products with healthy oats

Want to hear more about our products? Contact us so we can help you to choose the right ingredients for your needs.

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