
Quality Oats of Finland Come From Raisio’s Contract Farmers

Written by Raisio Food Solutions | 25/09/24 11:11

Raisio's oat raw materials and products are crafted from premium Finnish oats, sourced from farms in southwest Finland that specialize in cereals and other crops.

Raisio’s oat procurement relies on contract farming, which guarantees a stable supply of oats, even during challenging market conditions. By working with a network of trusted contract farmers, Raisio ensures not only a reliable supply chain but also consistently high-quality oats.

Close collaboration with these farmers strengthens both supply security and product excellence.

Professional Family Farms

Raisio's contract farms are privately owned family farms, where the host family handles most of the cultivation work. During peak seasons, they may occasionally rely on neighborly assistance or contractors specializing in specific farming tasks. 

Our contract farmers are skilled professionals who tailor their oat cultivation practices to the unique conditions of their farms. They adhere to the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), following guidelines for crop rotation, plant protection, and fertilization, while most also participate in the national agri-environmental program. 

Additionally, Raisio’s contract farmers are committed to upholding the ethical standards set by Raisio for all its suppliers.


Direct Farm-to-Mill Deliveries

Farmers deliver oats directly from their farms to our mill located in the town of Nokia, Finland, during the contract period, spanning from August to June. This direct farm-to-mill delivery system ensures optimal traceability of the oats. 

The farms supplying the mill are located within a 100 km radius, guaranteeing freshness and reducing transportation distances.


Collaborative Quality Assurances

Ensuring oat quality is a joint effort between Raisio and its farmers. Before each delivery, farmers submit a pre-sample to the Nokia grain laboratory for analysis. If the oats meet Raisio's stringent quality standards, a delivery date is arranged. 

Upon arrival at the mill, another sample is taken and analyzed before the oats are unloaded. Oats are then stored in silos based on their quality and other criteria.

Top-quality oats are defined by their light, appealing color, high grain weight, and cleanliness – free from debris, weeds, or grains from other cereals. Additionally, the oats must comply with EU regulations regarding toxins and residues. 

High-quality oats are essential for efficient production processes and versatility in oat products. Raisio incentivizes farmers to consistently produce the best oats through quality-based pricing and contract premiums.


Long-Term Collaboration

While cultivation contracts with farmers are renewed seasonally, Raisio’s contract farmers have a long-standing tradition of partnership, with many farms supplying grain to Raisio’s mills for generations. 

Through its contract farming model, Raisio strives to add value for farmers by offering a variety of contract options, maintaining active communication, and organizing training events. Direct interaction between oat producers and farmers is a key advantage, fostering the development of more sustainable, secure, and economically viable oat cultivation practices in Finland.

Most farms supplying oats to Raisio sign cultivation contracts before the growing season begins. These contracts specify the quantity, variety, and often the price of the oats to be delivered. While Raisio offers guidance on variety selection, farmers ultimately choose the oat varieties best suited to their local growing conditions, ensuring high-quality grain for milling. 

The varieties used are primarily bred in Finland, with additional options from Europe. Popular varieties include Avanti, Avenue, Benny, Matty, Niklas, and Proxy, all selected for their adaptability to Finland’s northern climate and suitability for milling.

From Seed to Customers

Oats are typically sown in May and harvested between August and September. Although the growing season is short, it is highly intensive due to the extended daylight hours. 

In mid-summer, the plants can photosynthesize and grow even at night, maximizing their growth potential. 

After harvesting, the grains are dried using the farmers' equipment and stored on-site. Farmers then deliver the oats directly to the mill in Nokia, where they are processed into flakes, flour, and bran to meet all customer needs.